NB.: All participants are to make their own flight and accommodation arrangements.

Should in case participant (s) cares to enlist the support of the organizers in any of the logistics arrangement, kindly note that all the cost shall be transferred accordingly to the bearer.

For further enquiries contact: Abayomi: 2348111811225, 2348036458653


JIFORM 2020 Programmes: Call for Registration

Entry is hereby invited for participation in migration programmes in 2020.

Deadline for entry: Two weeks before the commencement of event.

Contact: 234-8111811225, 234-8036458653 Email:


Journalists International Forum For Migration (JIFORM) is a not for profit organsiastion with headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria.

It is the umbrella body for over 150 seasoned journalists apart from other volunteers spread across the globe.

Since 2018, we have been focusing on championing of advocacy against irregular migration, all forms of human trafficking and crisis leading to internal displacement of criticizes across the nation.

Precisely, we held our first international summit on migration in Abuja between November 26-28, 2019 and further to that we participated at the world migration summit organisaed by the International Organisation For Migration (IOM) in Tunisia be between December 9-12, 2019.

Further to that it is our resolved to continue with the message of anti-irregular migration and anti-crusade against human trafficking.

Our programmes for 2020 have been designed to accommodate empowerment for journalists through training and engagement of relevant stakeholders in line with our focus.



Date: March 24, 2020

Venue: Villanova Polytechnic Hall, Imesi Ile, Osun State, Nigeria.


To sensitise students in secondary and tertiary institutions, communities, opinion and religious leaders, market women in the densely populated Imesi-Ile community and its environs and by extension residents of Osun State on the dangers of all forms human trafficking particularly women and child labour.



Date: May 14, 2020

Venue: Lagos Airport Hotel, Nigeria


To further cement synergy between border residents, business stakeholders, security agencies, media and government on effect of border management and drilling, trade facilitation, movement of migrants and other economic importance



Date: May 27 to 28, 2020

Venue: Akodo Resource, Ibeju Lekki, Lagos State Nigeria.


To broaden the mind of media practitioners and other volunteers on dynamism of migration reporting and other interventions.

Training/Workshop for West African Journalists on Migration Reportage

Date: June 9-10, 2020

Venue: Banjul, Gambia


To enhance the capacity of media practitioners in West Africa on migration reportage.


Theme: Effecting A Paradigm Shift In Al-Majiri System

Date: June 24 and 25, 2020

Venue: Kano State, Nigeria


To complement effort aimed at restructuring the almajiri system  across the northern part of Nigeria with a view to raise more awareness on the need to re-modify the process and correct the social menaces and other flaws associated with it e.g unwarranted sojourning of the abandoned youths within schools ages across northern Nigeria, begging, drug addition, child abuse and others.



Date: July 29 and 30, 2020

Venue: Abeokuta Ogun State, Nigeria.


To create a medium of interaction between government, media and agencies associated with a view migration to review migrant policies for the benefits of all in the area of security and economic benefit.


Theme: Migration and Humanity: The Renewed Agenda

Date: October 20-21, 2020.

Venue: France.


To chart a new way for global economy from migration perspective



Date: December 18, 2020

Venue: Enugu State, Nigeria


To organise activities to promote sympathy and appreciation of migrants as economic developers.

Click the link below to begin registration

37 Responses

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    Es plexo delgado vale la pena el dinero. Querer estar y parecer sano es un asunto del dГ­a a dГ­a. Tampoco permitimos publicaciones que puedan contravenir la ley o falten gravemente a la verdad probada o no dieta de limpieza de agua pГ©rdida de peso, como calumnias, o promuevan actitudes violentas, racistas o instiguen al odio contra alguna comunidad. No admitimos insultos, amenazas, menosprecios ni, en general, comportamientos que tiendan a menoscabar la dignidad de las personas, ya sean otros usuarios, periodistas de los distintos medios y canales de comunicaciГіn de la entidad editora o protagonistas de los contenidos. Sobre todo aquellas personas que han tenido trasplantes de Гіrganos, o que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores.
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    ¿Cómo puedo obtener una mejor velocidad de carga?. Reply Forete enero 30, at pm Me sumo a la duda. De hecho, no debemos pasarnos con los alimentos proteicos. Todas las preguntas frecuentes sobre keto. Estoy perdida, no se q mas hacer… Gracias.

    – Muchas gracias por la pagina, una pagina de

    – Las hojas borrosas.

    – Descargo de responsabilidad completo Este plan dietГ©tico es para adultos con problemas de salud que podrГ­an beneficiarse de una dieta cetogГ©nica.

    – Hago la dieta de lunes a viernes y el fin de semana la rompo un poco, no totalmente.

    Dieta de vida com. Con lo cual, me gustarГ­a saber que cantidad de dinero acabarГ© necesitando para comer adecuadamente en un futuro. Mi consulta es acerca del consumo de ciertos productos: se pueden consumir cacao amargo con leche despues de mi clase spinning plan de menГє de dieta keto durante 7 dГ­as zanahoria? Reply Carla febrero 17, at pm Hola Marcos! La pregunta plan de menГє de dieta keto durante 7 dГ­as segun entiendo te demoras un par de dias para entrar en cetosis y 3 semanas solo en cetosis no parece ser mucho tiempo para lograr cambios significativos a nivel de grasa corporal, a no ser que tus niveles ya sean muy bajos. Me parecio genial verte en este tema, yo lo he estado practicando aun no al pues uno debe aprender muchisimo en este camino y uno de los pilares que sigo es Luis VillaseГ±or, ahora bien, crees que si reinicio efecto kettlebell en semanas de quema grasa, sea mejor, o reiniciarlo por completo? Grasas saludables en una dieta baja en carbohidratos.
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    Mel e o diabetes.

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