By Ajibola Abayomi,

The Nigerians in Diaspora Organization, Europe (NIDOE) will on June 5 host a virtual summit aimed at bringing knowledge and meaningful insights into development matters.

According to Sanusi Adeniyi, the Secretary NIDOE Virtual Event Committee, he said the summit welcomed involvement and engagement with the Nigerians diaspora and other relevant key actors for positive influence in policy formulation and implementation.

The NIDOE, Continental Chairman, Dr Bashir Obasekola and other top speakers are billed to speak during the event.

The master class will be delivered by Mr. Kingsley Aikins, a seasoned professional from The Networking Institute Dublin, Ireland.

The institute focuses on online training in the following areas – Diaspora Engagement, Philanthropy, and other relevant training contents.

The presentations will cover :Youth inclusion and engagement in driving diaspora mandate,  identifying and successfully onboard Diaspora brands as key partners, re-branding and refocusing Nigerian Diaspora to the ‘center-stage of Nation-building.

Other areas include:  Best practices to access international funds and projects within diaspora engagement,  NIDOE Humanitarian Award / Investment Opportunities from Public & Private stakeholders and building & sustaining diaspora trust to ensure appropriate policy formulation cum implementation.

Expected attendees are Diasporas, government officials, private sector practitioners, researchers on diaspora phenomenon and investors.

Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation (“NIDO”) came into existence through the motivation of the former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo in 2001; first in the United States for the continent of North and South America (NIDO Americas – “NIDOA”) and later in 2002 in United Kingdom, for the European continent (NIDO Europe – “NIDOE”).

Since then NIDO Europe (NIDOE) has been established in significant numbers of countries in Europe. Currently it consists of 23 chapters, across 22 countries of Europe (with new countries in the process of joining).

NIDO exists largely on the enthusiasm of the few Nigerians, who are being driven by patriotism and the slogan “do what you can do for your country and not what your country can do for you”.

The major players are not specially trained or equipped with instruments and knowledge of diaspora mobilization and engagement. Members and leaders of NIDO have mostly leveraged their knowledge on experiences from historical local “hometown associations”, students’ and professional unionism and other extracurricular activities.

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