Meet 2nd JIFORM Summit Guest Speaker

Johanna Mack is a Ph.D. candidate and freelance journalist associated to
the Department of Communication Studies at University Duisburg-Essen and
the Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism in Dortmund,

As a member of the Graduate School MEDAS21-Media Development in
the 21st Century (, she researches Media
Development Assistance in instable least developed Media Systems, with
Guinea-Bissau as a Case Study. With the Erich Brost Institute, she has
been involved in research projects and journalism training concerning
migration in Germany, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau and Morocco. In
addition, she voluntarily supports refugees’ and irregular migrants’
integration in the city of Lünen, Germany.

Johanna Mack is Co-Editor of the German Website of the European Journalism
Obersvatory ( and currently, she is an intern at
DW Academy.

Her research interests include journalism studies, media development,
media and migration, postcolonial studies and literary and cultural

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