Register for the
4TH JIFORM Global Migration Summit

Register for the 4TH JIFORM Global Migration Summit
Theme: Climate Change, Human Mobility and Sustainable Investments
Date: November 27-30, 2023.
The Journalists International Forum For Migration (JIFORM) Global Migration Summit is an annual international conference. The Canadian host for the Fourth Summit is once again Abedorc Productions Inc. (Dorc Radio and Dorc Tv), in Toronto Canada. Their Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Yinka Farinde, successfully hosted the 3rd edition of the summit in Toronto in 2022. Originally scheduled for October 2-14, the Summit will now be held between November 27-30, 2023. The opening session of the hybrid summit is to be beamed from the Abedorc Productions Inc studio in Toronto on November 28 while the grand finale will take place at the Belmont Event Space, Etobicoke, Toronto, Canada on November 29.
PARTNERS: First Fridays Toronto, Medga Evers College, City University, New York City, USA, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Rayopay Travels, Nigeria, Nakotech Center for Labour Diplomacy, Ghana and others.
Other collaborators of the event include First Fridays Toronto, Medga Evers College, City University, New York City, USA, Home For the Needy, Edo State, Nigeria; Diaspora Innovation Institute, Federal University of Technology, Akure Ondo State, Rayopay Travels Limited, Nigeria and the Nekotech Center for Labour Diplomacy, Ghana and others.
Venue: Abedorc Productions Inc.
37 Racine Road, Unit 1b Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
This year’s event shall provide opportunities especially for the international guests to explore the beautiful cities of Canada, understudy the immigration policies, engage various business/cultural communities and feel the hospitality sector through sight-seeing of some tourist attraction centers. It is a convergence of journalists, migration advocates, government, religious leaders, health workers and other business stakeholders from several parts of the world with the purpose improving sustainable migration and economic policies across the nations.
In line with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10.7 requiring extensive consultations and engagements with the stakeholders to facilitate orderly, safe, regular, and responsible migration, the conference shall accommodate presentations on climate change with strategies to mitigate the effects, administration of migrants. There shall be panel and technical discussions on business dimensions with exhibitions as well. There shall be a review of the United Nations 2030 and 2050 alarm on climate change and steps to mitigate the effects. On the core migration topics, there shall be overviews of human mobility with special assessment of Canada immigration policies, opportunities, investment drives, labour migration, human trafficking, gender matters, regular and irregular migration, migrant health, decent work, and migration reportage dynamisms.
- To improve the knowledge sharing and the capacity of the media professionals, migration workers and other business owners on migration and economic dynamism.
- To raise awareness on the implications of climate change from 2030 and beyond as alarmed by the UN and the steps to be taken to mitigate the effects and the impacts on the global economy.
- To agenda set migration robust policy on safe, orderly, and regular aimed at reducing cases of irregular migration, sex trafficking, child and women labour and slavery.
- To facilitate transfer of transfer of technical exchanges through tourism, among journalists, academics, migration advocates, migrant workers and other professionals.
- To promote networking and quality information to aid the choice of migration and the timing for economic development.
- This conference provides opportunities to understudy Canada. Immigration/migration policies as a model for other countries.
- It provides an avenue for journalists, migration workers and investors to tap into economic opportunities in Canada
- The event also creates a platform for business communities in Canada and North American countries to relate with other interest across the globe.
- It creates a channel to further promote tourism potentials in Canada.
TARGET AUDIENCE: 100 participants to include international participants and residents of Canada would feature in the hybrid-event. Participants shall include: Journalists, immigration and judicial workers, legislature, youth trainers, entrepreneurs, captains of industry, academics, migrant workers, migration institutions, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, religious organizations, government officials, students, youth representatives, community leaders and others.
The participants will enjoy tourism excursions and evening events at leisure during their stay in Toronto and other places in Canada with visits to places like CN Tower, Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada, The Distillery District, Kensington Market, Bata Shoe Museum. And Woodbine Beach and Yorkdale Mail, Niagara Falls at different times.
Potential speakers are to be invited from European Union, African Union, Diaspora Institute, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Universities, and other migration agencies in Canada.
Designated guest speakers: Honourable Gerry Weiner, the former Secretary of State and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada ; Professor Byron Price of the Medgars Evers College, City University, New York, USA; Dr Ajibola Abayomi, President of JIFORM; Ms Philomena Gnanapragasam, the Director, Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD), Her Excellency, Dr. Princess Asie Kabuki Ocansey, member of the African Union Labour Migration Advisory Committee; Ms Nermin K. Ahmad, member, United Nations Committee NGO on migration; Kelly Franklin, member, human trafficking survivor activist, Canada and others.
- Sunday, November 26, 2023- Arrival of participants and registration.
- Monday, November 27, 2023: Press Conference at Abedorc Productions Inc Studio.
VENUE: 37 Racine Road, Unit 1b, ON M9V 4J8 Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Tuesday November 28, 2023: Summit Day One (Opening Day).
VENUE: 37 Racine Road, Unit 1b, ON M9V 4J8 Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Wednesday November 29, 2023 :Summit Day Two/Awards (Grand Finale).
VENUE: Belmont Event Space, 655 Dixon Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 1J3, Canada.
- Thursday November 30, 2023: Site-Seeing/Rest Day.
- Friday, 1 December, 2023: Departure.
The Journalists International Forum For Migration (JIFORM) is a global media foundation, headquartered in Lagos Nigeria with over 300 journalists as members apart from volunteers across the continents covering migration matters. The body has been organizing annual global migration summits and other engagements with the purpose of enabling a platform to review and improve sustainable migration policies across the nations and also to continually improve the capacity of the media and other stakeholders on migration matters. The JIFORM Global Migration summit was inaugurated in 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria. The second edition was held on zoom between 15-16, 2020, as a result of the prolonged global Covid-19 pandemic the 3rd edition took place in Toronto Canada between October 10-15, 2022. The summit has now been positioned as an annual event in Canada with its 4th edition slated for between July 24-August 2, 2023. Apart from these, the JIFORM pioneered the annual African Migration Summit in partnership with the Neckotech Center of Excellence, Accra in 2021 in Ghana, with second edition held virtually in 2022 December; the Biennial West African Media Migration which made its debut in Togo in June 22-23, 2022 and the Intercontinental Migration Summit in collaboration with the Medgar Evers College, City University, New York City, USA between November 2-4, 2022 in Brooklyn. On February 9, 2022, the JIFORM heralded the maiden National Migration Summit in Lagos, Nigeria to serve as an annual capacity building event for journalists in Nigeria.
ABEDORC productions Inc , Toronto Canada, owners of Dorc Tv and Dorc Radio was founded in 1999 with the aims and objectives of promoting arts and entertainment with respect to music and movies predominantly from all parts of Africa by Yinka Farinde who is up till date the C.E.O of the noble establishment. The company host the 4th edition of the JIFORM summit in Toronto between October 1-15. ABEDORC productions Inc is involve in the provision of the following services which include: – musical artist management. – event planning – international recognition for both music artist and movie actors and actresses from African origin. Entertainment industry based in Toronto, Canada.-providing artist promotions. – Stage equipment rentals – Recording studio – CD/DVD duplication and replications – Media conversion such as old VHS, DV TAPES, AUDIO CASETTES to any format needed etc. ABEDORC productions Inc (DORC records) celebrates all African Canadian musical artist, movie actors and actresses, promoters, comedian, marketers, event planners, producers, dancers, journalists etc. yearly in Toronto Canada. Future aspiration is to move this event from coast to coast, cities to cities and countries around the world.